DD - 36, Sector - I, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700 064
Phone No. : (033) 2334 2028 / 2321 5389

Application Form

Course applying for:
1. *Category:
2. *Nationality:
3. *Applicant's Name:

4. *Permanent Address:
(maximum 150 characters including puntuation & gap. Do not write District, State or Pincode here.)

*Pin Code:

5. *Address for Communication.:

6. Mobile No./Telephone No.:
7. E-mail:
8. *Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy):
9. *University from which passed BHMS/Graded BHMS:
10. *Date/likely date of completion of Internship:1 year in BHMS/6months in Graded BHMS(mm/dd/yyyy) :

11. *Is the candidate pursuing any other course?

12.* If yes, date of completion of such course (mm/dd/yyyy):
13. *Registration No. (Permanent or provisional):
14. *Name of the Council of Registration: